Sara's Lab

Sara's Lab specializes in crafting botanical handmade soaps that infuse your daily routine with vibrant energy.

Our inspiration? The captivating fusion of Swedish and Brazilian cultures , as well as their awe-inspiring natural wonders .

Picture the lush Brazilian rainforests and amazing beaches, or the serene Swedish forests, charming farms, and crystal-clear lakes. These landscapes don't just inspire us, they are the very soul of our creations.

Our mission is simple yet powerful: to bring a bubbly, uplifting feeling to your everyday life.

We aim to invigorate and inspire you, simplifying your beauty routine with multifunctional , efficient solutions .

Our ultimate goal? Empowering you to pursue your dreams with a positive mindset and a sustainable lifestyle.

We're here to remind you that life is best lived with a joyful spirit, just like the bubbling energy of Sara's Lab.

As a natural skincare brand, we prioritize ecological awareness in every aspect of our business, from our daily decisions to our product formulations.

We are committed to creating sustainable and eco-friendly solutions for our customers and the environment.

Come join us on a journey of beauty and self-care, experiencing the transformative bubbly power of our products.

12 products